Friday, October 29, 2004

Some quick thoughts...

I should be headed to class right now. But since I have already decided to dress as if i just rolled out of bed ( i am even wearing a baseball cap. for some of you, this might seem like a sign of the apocalypse... but i promise it is not), i might as well be a little late to class.

Instead I want to share a few random thoughts that I have collected since yesterday:

1) the only thing more disgusting than the food at Golden Corral is the fact that they have a display case in the middle of the mall with a plate of PLASTIC FOOD designed to look like their already DISEASED AND REPULSIVE items that they actually serve. I walked by the case and wanted to hurl. Plastic Grade F steak, plastic corn that looks like it has been pre-vomited up for you to save you the trouble, and I didnt even get a look at the other things in the case because I seriously felt my stomach lurch. Ew. Double ew.

2)The only thing cuter than a guy playing with a dog is a guy playing with a kid. Yesterday was Project Pumpkin... Wake Forest's annual "Lets have all these rich white kids do something nice for the not so rich not so white kids in the community" event. Despite my horrible descriptor tag, it is actually a very sweet and well run effort. And the best part about it is the grown men in costumes holding hands with small children who look up to him like he is the coolest guy they have ever met. I saw a guy dressed as superman carrying a little kid on his shoulders yesterday. I almost got down on my knee and proposed. To him and the kid. Then I remembered I have a boyfriend. Then i started thinking about my boyfriend with a kid on his shoulders. Then i blacked out from the overwhelming cuteness of such a thought. I am such a girl!

3)My brother is going to college next year. This is not a new thought. But i have to keep repeating it until i understand that it is true. It hasn't worked yet.

4)the Snooze button is the best thing that man ever created. Everytime i push it i get this overwhleming since of self gratification... its the ability to give yourself a little gift every morning. And if you are in a particularily gluttonous mood you can give yourself lots of gifts like you did this morning. You can also actually design the process such that you get to give yourself the gift AND still get up on time (just set it earlier than you actually need to be up) This is the only way to trick oneself that i have ever come across. You aren't awake enough to remember that you set it earlier than you needed to... so you get to press snooze, feel the swell of victory and power of personal choice... and you still get up with enough time to work on your physics lab. Or write a pointless on line post and watch dawsons creek . Whatever your pleasure.

5) I dont know if i really have a fifth one but it would really bother me to stop at 4. And i am willing to bet that it would bother you more than you are willing to admit. Just like when prices are like $2.49 or the fact that stamps are $.37. anything that involves me giving or recieving pennies as part of the transaction is no good. Round the damn thing up and take my nickle.

Ok. That is enough for now. If i leave now i won't be late for class. Better stop by the post office just to put it over the edge. Somehow I will probably still arrive there early. I have like chronic dorkosis. No matter how hard i try to slack and be late I am always the first freaking person there like some sort of hard core nerdmonger.
Ill let you know how it goes.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

For the record I still despise the word "Blog".

But I am writing one anyway. I will probably continue to call it an "online journal"... because that is a little less Techy Talk sounding and it allows me to keep my integrity somewhat intact and not die of shame for actually having a "blog". But it was time. It was time to move away from the limited means of and really run with the big dogs.
Hmmm.. always wondered if I could use the phrase "run with the big dogs" and get away with it in a sarcastic sense. Perhaps I would have gotten away with it this time if I wasn't yammering on about it. Still yammering. Hmm.. kind of hate that word too. Yammering. I am yammering on in my blog. And I'm wearing panties. And the side of my Fresca can is moist. Might as well use all the words I detest all in one big hunk. Oooooo now that could be interesting. An entire entry that is made up just of words I hate and phrases I hate and puncuation I hate (yes. you read that correctly. i think the semi-colon sucks.). How bout it... if you read this... and you have a particular word, phrase, or mark of punctuation that really frosts your cookies (look another one already!), you drop me a little line and let me know. I will work it in. Look at me! Audience participation already! And its only my first blog.

Alright now. On to the less seemingly-drug-induced portions of this entry... a small commentary on my life at this point in my EPIC senior year of COLLEGE.

I am part time. I am a part time senior taking two classes. One of those classes has a disproportiate amount of football players in it. You would think that with specs like that... my senior year would be easy peasy lemon squeazy (there's another one. but you probably havent heard it. its British) (how pretentious of me. catch phrase snob.. that's what i am).
But as it turns out, I am not the sort of gal that uses her part-time status to earn her status as a "regular" at any liqour-licensed establishment. Turns out that even when I am of legal age and have less homework to do than I have in years past, and have two days off each week in which potentially I could sleep all day.... I still get up before 9 and I still prefer "movie night" to " Dollar Pitcher Night". And my desk is still covered in a rainbow of post-it notes proclaiming my many obligations. But I mean, come on... you have to have a little more free time, right? Yeah. I mean. I guess I do. I am not really sure what I do with it. Oh wait. Yes I do. You are looking at it. And if it's not crap like this... it is crap involving,, or clicking the "Get Messages" button on my email.

Alright. So i'm not THAT pathetic. I have clicked "Get Messages" more than any human person should in the span of an hour... but I have good reason! I am waiting to hear back from a slew (hate slew too) of internships that I have applied myself to for the near and distant future. Because you see, the benefit of being Part-time is that you are available to apply yourself to the FULL TIME job of trying to FIND A JOB. I started flipping out about that oh... on about August 1st. By September 10th my career services counsler had actually emailed me to express his concern that I might want to "calm down a little bit." That can't be a good sign. But I mean.. what do they want me to do? If you are a Wake Forest senior who desires a career in consulting or banking there are actually employers who will come to campus and throw themselves down on the sidewalk in front of you as you are walking to class. If you want to be a writer? Yeah... well lets look at the fact that they relegated the journalism minors to a dark hallway in the basement of Tribble Hall years ago.(Yes, those stairs actually lead to somewhere... it is where they send the future struggling writers of America to die. That way they don't have to average our sure-to-be miniscule salaries into their "Average Entry Level Salary for a Wake Forest Alumni" figure. Us "journalistic types" are just not up to snuff (there is another one)). Basically, if you want to use your liberal arts degree to do anything having to do with "the arts" you better be willing to pave your own way (there is another one)... Either that or you better be willing to settle for that kick ass job at Abercrombie that your mom wouldn't let you get when you were 16 (Even though the cute recruiter guy standing at the front had asked you like, four times if you were interested in working there..Gosh mom).

Anyway. back to me not being pathetic. I do have a life. I have fantastic suite mates who get their kicks out of putting dead mink's into other people's beds. Strange but true. I also still reap the harmonic joys of Innuendo Co-ed A cappella twice a week. I also took some pictures of trees this week. So that was .... well ya know.... leafy.
Yeah so other than that I ... um... (Jesus Christo Jennifer think of something. You are supposed to keep people interested, not inspire them to raise a glass to give a solomn toast to the death of your social life.) Well. I am in charge of the English Department newsletter...? ( Dearly Departed... Clink clink clink).

Ok . So. Maybe I should have waited till I acutally had something to report before I started a blog... hmm... Hindsight is 20/20. No use crying over spilt milk. Just the word "spilt" alone is bad enough.

Guess it is time to move on to Jenn's Gripes for this Week:
- Dammit Panthers, get in the endzone.
- Dammit Deacons, get in the endzone.
- Dammit California. Stop being so far away.
- Dammit left eyelid. Stop twitching.
- Seriously. The twitching is distracting. I blame my lack of interesting commentary on the twitching.

Ok. There is a World Series to be attended to here... and possibly some suitemates to torture.
But for now I promise you this... I will be back. With exciting and worthwhile things to say. And plenty more awful words and phrases for your gagging pleasure.

Thanks for reading. I'm feeling more like a real writer already.
Ok. so maybe not. But I do appreciate that fact that you just read all that.