Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Just trying to stay awake.

In an effort to stave off the 3pm sleepies, I want to share with you a few thoughts that have been lollygagging around in the back of my head like the losers who don't leave the bar even when they turn the lights on and start turning the chairs upside down on the tables.
They are as follows:

* I will never, absolutely never be ok with the idea of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. It baffles me. It frightens me. It disgusts me. Every time I see a picture of them "canoodling" and kissing I feel like I should send it to the police as evidence of child molestation. The fact that they are having a child disturbs me more than the fact that Britney and Kevin had a child. Please understand what a huge thing that is for me to say. I can appreciate that they are gossip media's bread and butter but I really wish that something else would take over the headlines because honestly the thought of them makes me want to vomit.

* While we are on the subject of played out tabloid fodder, let me also say this. I don't think Brad and Angelina have been sleeping together. I know that today's revelation that she bought some sort of vibrating panties would seem to counteract this assertion, but I just feel, in my gut, that this whole situation has been misread. She made out with her brother for chrissake with no appologies, why on earth would she stay quiet about a rip roarin sex life with brad pitt out of respect to his ex wife? She wouldn't. She just. plain. wouldn't.

* Is it disturbing that i spent more on my kitten's new red carrier bag than I have spent on any sort of bag or purse for myself in the last five years? I believe it might be and I believe I do not care.

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