Monday, December 05, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like...

BIG NEWS! We have heat. Praise the almighty God. And the furnace guy. We have heat and it is fantastic. We also, as you can see from the pictures here, have a tree. My very first, on my own, big girl tree. The finished product of course, looks quite magical. The process by which the tree was procured.... not as magical. It was -8 degrees with the windchill yesterday. And this tree was chosen in a "close your eyes and point" sort of way from the nursery section at Home Depot. I would have taken more care in choosing the perfect tree to be my very first on my own big girl tree, but it was freaking freezing and I couldn't feel my toes. As it turned out, impending hypothermia makes me an excellent judge of trees because the one we got is perfect. We decorated it with a mix of thoughtful family ornaments and cheap thrills from Target. We also hung some jingle bell ornaments near the bottom to hopefully distract the kitten from hatching a plan to climb to the top of the tree and dive bomb off. We know our efforts might be in vain, but it is worth a shot. We might be in luck because he appears to be entirely consumed by the twine that we used to attach the tree to the top of our car. I think in his head he is a super hero. Spider man perhaps. That would explain his penchant for hooking his spidey claws into me and climbing from my ankle to my neck for no apparent reason. Perhaps I shall write him a theme song.

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