Sunday, November 28, 2004

I guess we could call this a "Thanksgiving Entry"

Ok. so. The election update was getting a little stale. I appologize for my sizeable lag in updates. But I have a good excuse! My life has erupted into chaos. Yes. That is my excuse. Cryptic and vague? Yes. But making good use of action verbs. ("Erupted" Use it. ) I shall now elaborate.

Ok. For shock value, I shall give it to you in the simplest words possible.

I am leaving Wake Forest on Dec. 7th and not coming back until graduation.

I am moving to California.

I have a job.

I saw Jude Law again.

Ok. So. There we have it.

Now, onto the details. I promise to be dilligent in providing as much detail as I can, because outside of my family and a small circle of friends, most of you probably have no clue what the hell I am talking about.

First of all, I am leaving Wake. This is by no means a statement about the quality of people I have around me right now. Sara typing away at her desk that sits parallel with mine across the hall, Shannon squealing with delight or squeaking in disgust every other minute, Stephanie clomping down the hall only to stop a few feet shy of my open door so that I can't see her checking out her own ass in the hall mirror (that's right. i can hear you.), and Katie who is out to save the youth of the world, one cheesy t-shirt at a time.... I don't know what I would have done without these girls. Believe me when I say that every time I hear their voices in the hallway it makes me re-think my decision, but I will get to that later. First, in the honor of thanksgiving, I have some more people to thank....

Thank you suite 206, for being the best home a girl could hope for. Doors open, arms open, hearts open... this is what dorm life looks like in the movies. Minus the naked people and the drinking and the guys building half-pipes in the hallway. Ok so maybe our suite is nothing like dorm life in the movies. But is certainly one of the only things that kept me sane this year. You girls have been my saviors. I could not be happier that my final memories of living at Wake Forest will be memories of living with each of you.

Thank you Innuendo. You have been my secret life force for almost three years. Sometimes I want to kill all of you. Or bound and gag you and make you listen to voice parts played over and over and over again until you can sing them in your sleep without even hearing the starting note played. But that is very rare. Most of the time I want to wrap you all up in a box and tote you with me where ever I go... so that every time I sing in the car I have the most talented voices singing along with me, and whenever I get super dorky and start gushing about how we dominated UGA, you will be there to back me up. And so that when ever I get stressed out or lonely or frightened, you would be there to support me, to hug me, to make me laugh, and to say things like "Make good choices." "Scarves for everyone." "Wolf Smack" "Man hut" "CLAP. CLAP. SMACK!" "These diva's better take a temporary reprieve" or just to make the sounds that warm my heart. Sounds like doo, dah, dum, and the occasional bah. I will be back in time for the spring concert... and it would take three armed gaurds and a rabid goat (the scariest thing i could think of at this particular moment) to keep me off that stage. So please, rather than hiring the goat for the day, just let me sing one or two songs with you. That would be enough.

I am thankful for my parents... who didn't look at me like I was crazy when I told them about my plan to move back to LA, take a class in Malibu, and get some amazing job that would be totally worthwhile. Instead they just said , "Make it happen."

So I did.

As of December 9th, 2004 , I am an employee of Variety Magazine. Located in Beverly Hills California, Variety is the number one magazine that celebrities subscribe to. We know your show is tanking even before you do. I am pretty sure that is not our official tagline, but it works for me. And according to Lee Norris, it is accurate.

And speaking of Lee...

I am so very thankful that when I decided to follow my whim and my dreams across the country, that there was a whole group of amazing people waiting on the other end to help me along. Lee and Ethan... two friends I thought I had said goodbye to last May are now going to be back in my life on a regular basis. Their friendships were already of infinite importance to me, and now I will get to make all new memories with them. .. Memories sure to be made even more memorable due to the comedic stylings of one Brian White, and the cast of characters that seem to travel around with him, entourage-style. Plus, these guys all have one very important distinction about them.... they are the first friends of mine to integrate into this entirely new part of my life... the part that includes Joe.

Joe. The man. The myth. The most incredible thing that has happened to me in a long time. And he isn't alone. He comes with two Steve's, a Tom, and Aaron, and even an Evelina. It was like the gods were hosting a special deal . For one day only, you get get the love of your life and recieve 5 extra friends for no extra cost to you! And these are no cut-rate friends. These are genuine, good-hearted, witty, good-looking, talented, loving people who have allowed me to come into their lives so easily, and have added to mine in more ways than they will ever know.
And Joe, who has listened patiently on the other end of the phone as I have gone through stages of obsessive planning , worrying, freaking out, changing my mind, crying in frustration, and celebrating each step that I had to take to get to where I am. I know that on the days when I miss my friends back home so bad that I feel like can't stand it anymore... he will be there to keep me from hypervenilating, and he will hold me tightly in his arms while I call each and everyone of the people I miss and carry on conversations and toss around inside jokes that he won't get. And he won't mind at all. And on that first day when I see my name in print in Hollywood's most prestigious magazine... those same arms will hold me while my squeals are muffled by soft cotton of his Cubs shirt. And for that... I could not be more thankful.

And finally, for the news you have all been waiting for......

Yes. Once again my life's path crossed with that of Jude Law. I shared a movie theater with People's Sexiest Man of the Year . Natalie Portman (actually Natalie Hershlag for those of you who like that sort of trivia) was there as well, much to Joe's delight. It was the world premiere of Closer. I highly recommend the movie. It's dark, but the performances are strong. And I was at the premiere, so I am predisposed to think that it was a pretty freaking awesome movie, even if it wasn't. Because it will go down in history (hopefully) as the first of many premieres that I will go to. Speaking of which.... if you had told me, chronic E! online junkie, addict, and closet Entertainment Tonight watcher that I would have THIS job and be spending the second half of my senior year getting quotes from stars to put into articles that will be published on deadline for the next day's issue of Variety magazine?!??!!!... well. let's just say, I wouldn't have believed it.
I am thankful for my good fortune, and for all the people who have made it possible for me to take advantage of these oppertunties.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

I promise I will do my best to make you proud... or at least I will do my best to take pictures of myself elbow rubbing with the stars and email them to you to inspire jealousy. mwah ha ha ha.

But for serious. Come visit. I can't promise any celeb spotting (outside of Lee of course, but that is pretty cool all on it's own.), but I can promise you lots of hugs and a really good time.

One more time....
Thank you.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Miss you Jenn!! I'm making a CD of Innuendo practices...when I'm done I'll be sure to send you a copy!! Hope everything is going well out there...have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

~Joe M.